

A list is a collection of elements (i.e., numbers, strings, etc) that are ordered and indexed. Lists are defined using square brackets [] or List(), and individual elements are separated by commas (e.g., new_list = [1, 2, 3]).


General syntax

my_list = [element1, element2, element3, ..., elementN]
  • my_list: List variable

  • element1, element2, element3, …, elementN: The elements of the list.

  • These elements can be of any data type and are enclosed in square brackets [], and are separated by commas


  • Examples

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
earth_elements = ["earth", "water", "land"]
my_list = [1, 2, 3, "water", "land", True]
mixed_list = [1, "earth", True, 3.14]
  • Access individual elements of the list using their index, starting from 0.

mixed = [1, "earth", True, 3.14]
print(mixed[0])  # 1
print(mixed[1])  # "earth"
print(mixed[1:3])  # "earth", True
['earth', True]


Lists are mutable (i.e., can be modified after creation), and you can add, remove, or modify elements of the list anytime.

  • Modify the values of specific elements using their index

mixed = [1, "earth", True, 3.14]
mixed[1] = 'new element replacing the old one'
print(mixed)  # [1, 'new element replacing the old one',, True 3.14]
[1, 'new element replacing the old one', True, 3.14]
  • Perform operations on lists such as appending, inserting, and removing items

mixed = [1, "earth", True, 3.14]
mixed.append("engineering")  # Add an item to the end of the list
print(mixed)  # [1, "earth", True, 3.14, "engineering"]

mixed.insert(2, "newinsert")  # Insert an item at a specific index
print(mixed)  # [1, "earth", "newinsert", True, 3.14, "engineering"]

mixed.remove("earth")  # Remove a specific item
print(mixed)  # [1, "newinsert", True, 3.14, "engineering"]
[1, 'earth', True, 3.14, 'engineering']
[1, 'earth', 'newinsert', True, 3.14, 'engineering']
[1, 'newinsert', True, 3.14, 'engineering']